A blog that gives out financial institutions news on time with accurate informations.

  • CRDB Bank Share up 16PC in three weeks

    CRDB bank share price has made an abrupt U-turn after appreciating by 16 per cent in the last three weeks.

  • TIB slashes losses, bad loans up!

    TIB Development Bank has considerably reduced its net loss 17 times to 582m/- in this year quarter two (Q2) after cutting expenses.

  • MALINZI blesses TFF elections

    THE ousted Tanzania Football Federation (TFF) President Jamal Malinzi has expressed gratitude to the government, sponsors and football stakeholders in the country for their massive support.

  • Barrick, government talks next week

    BARRICK Gold will begin discussions with the government on the concentrate export ban and other issues next week

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Zantel yazindua progam maalumu kusaidia wahitimu wa vyuo kupata ajira moja kwa moja Zantel

Mkuu wa Zantel Zanzibar, Mohamed Khamis Mussa (wa pili kulia), akizungumza wakati wa hafla ya uzinduzi rasmi wa program ya wahitimu wa vyuo vikuu inayovilenga  vyuo vikuu visiwani  humo itakayowasaidia wahitimu hao kupata ajira moja kwa moja Zantel. Kutoka kushoto ni, Ofisa Rasilimali Watu wa Zantel, Saidi Habibu, Ofisa Kazi wa Idara ya Kazi Zanzibar, Juma Chumu na Juma Vuai Ameir  naye pia kutoka Idara ya Kazi.
Ofisa Rasilimali Watu wa Zantel, Saidi Habibu (kushoto), akizungumza  katika hafla ya uzinduzi  wa program hiyo. Kushoto kwake ni,  Ofisa Kazi wa Idara ya Kazi Zanzibar, Juma Chumu, Mkuu wa Zantel Zanzibar, Mohamed Khamis Mussa na Juma Vuai Ameir kutoka Idara ya Kazi.
Meneja Masoko wa Zantel Tanzania, Bi. Rukia Mtingwa (kushoto), akizungumza katika hafla hiyo.
Baadhi ya wawakilishi kutoka vyuo vikuu vya mjini Zanzibar wakihudhuria hafla hiyo.
Ofisa Rasilimali Watu wa Zantel, Saidi Habibu (kulia), akizungumza na baadhi ya wanufaika wa Program ya Wahitimu wa Vyo Vikuu ilipozinduliwa mjini Zanzibar jana. Program hii maalumu kwa wahitimu wa vyuo vikuu visiwani humo itawasaidia kupata ajira moja kwa moja Zantel. Kutoka kushoto ni, Benazir Abdulhakim Omar, Thaurat Ali Abdallah, Ilham Mohamed Haji na Alli Hemed Salum.
Mmoja wa wanufaika wa program hiyo, Ally Hemed Salum (kulia), kutoka Chuo Kikuu Zanzibar, akijitambulisha.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Mwalimu shule ya sekondari Kakonko ajiua na kuacha ujumbe mzito.

Mkuu wa shule ya sekondari Kakonko katika Wilaya ya Kakonko mkoani Kigoma, Peter Rubonya amefariki dunia baada ya kujinyonga kwa kamba ofisini kwake.

Tukio hilo limetokea mapema jana Jumatatu Machi 26,2018 huku kukiwa na taarifa kuwa marehemu ameacha ujumbe unaosomeka "Mkurugenzi wa halmashauri ya Kakonko Lusubiro Mwakabibi asipodhibitiwa ataua wengi"

Akielezea tukio hilo , mwalimu wa zamu Isaac Japhet amesema yeye alifika shuleni hapo mapema saa 12:30 kwa ajili ya kuwafundisha wanafunzi wa kidato cha nne masomo ya ziada baada ya kufunga shule wiki iliyopita, na baada ya kufika aligundua kuwa hana chaki ambapo mkuu huyo wa shule alimpatia chaki mlinzi ili awape wanafunzi.

Alisema baada ya muda mratibu elimu kata pamoja na mmoja wa wazazi walifika ofisini hapo wakiwa na shida na mkuu wa shule na baada ya kuelezwa kuwa yupo ndani ofisini waliamua kugonga mlango ili kuingia lakini hawakuweza kujibiwa na ndipo wakaamua kufungua mlango na kukuta mwili wa marehemu ukining’inia darini.

Mwalim Isaac ameaiambia Malunde1 blog kuwa marehemu ambaye alikuwa akifundisha pia masomo ya Kemia na Fizikia shuleni hapo hawakuwahi kusikia kuwa na mgogoro wowote wa kifamilia au kijamii, na kwamba mkewe ambaye ni mkufunzi katika chuo kikuu cha Dodoma UDOM alifika nyumbani kwake juzi akitokea Dodoma.

Naye mlinzi wa shule hiyo Kajoro Kajabojabo amesema alikutana na mkuu wa shule mapema asubuhi akiingia ofisini na kumuomba chaki ambazo alipewa na kuziwasilisha kwa walimu.

“Nilimuona kabisa tukasalimiana nikamuuliza kama ana weza kuwa na chaki, akaingia ofisini akanipatia boksi moja la chaki, nikachukua nikampelekea mwalimu aliyekuwa anahitaji ,alikuwa kwenye hali nzuri tu, lakini baada ya muda ndiyo tukio hilo likatokea”amesema Kajoro.

Mkuu wa wilaya ya Kakonko Kanali Hosea Ndagala akizungmza baada ya kutembelea shule hiyo na kumfariji mjane  amesema polisi wanaendelea na uchunguzi wa tukio hilo ili kujua sababu ikiwa marehemu aliacha ujumbe wowote au lah.

Pia ametumia fursa hiyo kutoa wito kwa jamii kutokaa na mambo yanayowasonga na badala yake wayafikishe katika ngazi tofauti za serikali ,jamii au rafiki zao .

“Hatujajua sababu lakini ni muhimu jamii ikajenga utamaduni wa kueleza matatizo ya ndani yanayoyasibu , hii inasaidia sana kupunguza msongo wa mawazo na kuepusha madhara kama haya”,amesema.

Kamanda wa polisi mkoa wa Kigoma Martin Otieno  amesema baada ya kupekuliwa kwa mwili wa marehemu huyo walikuta karatasi imeandikwa ujumbe kuwa Mkurugenzi wa halmashauri ya Kakonko Lusubiro Mwakabibi asipodhibitiwa ataua wengi

NBC exchange views with its retail and business banking customers in the Isle

Zanzibar Minister for Finance and Planning, Dr. Khalid Salum Mohamed, addresses NBC retail and business banking customers together with the bank’s officials in Zanzibar recently.
NBC Retail Banking Director, Filbert Mponzi, addresses customers at a get- together hosted by NBC to its retail and business banking clients in the Isles recently.
NBC board member, Dr. Kassim Hussein speaks to customers during a function hosted by NBC to its retail and business banking clients in the Isles recently.
Zanzibar Minister for Finance and Planning, Dr. Khalid Salum Mohamed , listens to NBC Public Affairs Manager, William Kallaghe (right), as the bank’s Director for Retail Banking, Filbert Mponzi looks on, at on occasion hosted by NBC to its retail and business banking customers in the Isles recently.
Zanzibar Minister for Finance and Planning, Dr. Khalid Salum Mohamed  shakes hands with NBC Retail Director chief, Filbert Mponzi (right), during the ceremony.

Across section  of NBC customers attends the function.

Zanzibar Minister for Finance and Planning, Dr. Khalid Salum Mohamed  (seven from left), poses for a memento photograph with NBC  officials after the ceremony hosted by the bank for its retail and business banking customers in the Isle.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Wataalamu kutoka Ofisi ya Mkemia Mkuu wa Serikali, Maafisa Ustawi wa Jamii, Wanasheria kutoka sehemu mbalimbali, pamoja na Askari Polisi kutoka Dawati la Jinsia  wamemuhakikishia Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dar es salaam Mhe. Paul Makonda kuwa wamejidhatiti vyema kuwasikiliza kinamama waliotelekezwa na hawapatiwi pesa ya matunzo ya mtoto kwenye zoezi la siku tano za kuwapatia msaada wa kisheria kinamama hao linalotaraji kuanza April 09 Mwaka huu. 

Akizungumza na wataalamu hao Makonda amesema tatizo la wakinamama waliotelekezwa ni kubwa na limekuwa likisababisha kinamama na watoto kuishi maisha ya taabu na kusababisha ongezeko la watoto wa mitaani na vizazi vya watoto wenye chuki kwa Baba zao.
 Amesema lengo la Zoezi hilo sio ugomvi bali ni kumwezesha Mtoto kupata mahitaji muhimu kutoka kwa wazazi ili aweze kuitumia vyema fursa ya elimu bure chini ya serikali ya awamu ya tano,ikiwa ni pamoja na kuwasaidia wakina mama wanaoteseka kutafuta haki zao bila mafanikio na badala yake wanapata mateso makubwa katika maisha yao. 

"Ifike mahali mwanaume ukimpa mwanamke ujauzito bila kujipanga kulea mtoto aogope kama ilivyo kwenye  Ubakaji kwani hii itafanya kupunguza watoto waliowengi mitaani"Amesema Makonda.
Aidha amewahimiza wataalamu hao kuhakikisha wanawasikiliza kinamama kwa umakini na kusimamia haki pasipo upendeleo ili kuondoa na kupunguza watoto wanaotelekezwa.

Pamoja na hayo amesema wapo kinababa ambao wameanza kutoa fedha ya matunzo ya Mtoto baada ya kusikia tangazo, ambapo amewasihi kinamama hao kufika April 09 kwaajili ya kuonana na wataalamu ili waweke makubaliano kwenye mfumo rasmi wa kimaandishi ili kuepusha tatizo hilo kujitokeza tena .


UBA Sustains Strong Performance with Growing Contribution and Market Share from Africa

  • Official%2BPicture%2Bof%2BGMD%2B-CEO%2Bof%2BUBA%2BPlc%2B%2B-Kennedy%2BUzoka

  • Declares Profit Before Tax of N105.3 billion
  • Recommends N0.85 Total Final Dividend for the Year

Lagos, Nigeria – March 23, 2018 – United Bank for Africa Plc has announced its audited results for the financial year ended December 31, 2017, showing significant growth in the contribution and market share from its pan-African subsidiaries, among other positive trends in the financial performance.

The pan-African financial institution’s audited results showed that gross earnings grew substantially to N462 billion, up by 20 percent from N314 billion recorded in the corresponding period of 2017.

According to the report released to the Nigerian Stock Exchange on Friday, the Group delivered a strong 16% year-on-year growth in profit before tax of N105 billion, compared to N90.6 billion in the 2016 financial year. The Profit After Tax also leaped to N78.6 billion, an 8.8% year-on-year growth compared to N72.3 billion in 2016.

The Bank’s subsidiaries outside Nigeria contributed a third of the Group’s top-line and 45% of the profit for the year, a remarkable improvement from 31 percent contribution made by the ex-Nigeria offices in 2016. This, according to market analysts affirms the success of the Bank’s expansion strategy, with target of 50 percent contributions by 2020.

The Bank’s Operating Income grew to N326.6 billion, a 20.6 percent increase compared to N270.9 billion recorded in 2016. This, according to analysts, affirms the capacity of the Group to deliver strong performance through varying economic cycles and challenging business environment.

The audited results also showed that the Bank’s Total Assets peaked at N4.07 trillion, translating into 16.1 percent year-on-year growth from the figure of N3.50 trillion recorded as at 2016 financial year. In the 2017 financial year, the Bank’s Net loans achieved a prudent 9.7 percent growth at N1.65 trillion, while the customer deposits grew to N2.73 trillion, representing 10 percent YoY growth on N2.49 trillion recorded in 2016 financial year.

Reflecting a strong internal capital generation, the Bank’s shareholders’ fund also soared 18.2 percent to N529.4 billion in the 2017 financial year.

Subject to the approvals of the shareholders, the Board of UBA Plc proposed a final dividend of 65 kobo per every share of 50 kobo each. This final dividend proposal is in addition to the 20 kobo per share interim dividend paid after the audit of the 2017 half year financial statements, thus putting the total dividend for 2017 financial year at 85 kobo per share.

Commenting on the result, Kennedy Uzoka, the GMD/CEO, said: “the results, underlines the success of our strategy of expanding across Africa, diversifying revenues and capturing the broader business opportunities inherent in Africa’s growth. The results reinforce the sustainability of our business model and the capacity to deliver superior long-term return to shareholders, as the economic and business environment improve.”

“In 2017, we made strong progress in our strategic initiative of dominating transaction banking across all our countries of operation, gaining market share in all lines of our business. Even as the non-oil sectors of our largest country of operation, Nigeria, remained relatively weak, we still grew earnings by 20% to N462 billion, a third of which is attributable to non-funded income,” he further noted.  

Also speaking on UBA’s financial performance and position, the Group Chief Finance Officer(GCFO), Ugo Nwaghodoh said; “In a period of high interest rates, we achieved a relatively low 3.7% cost of funds. This operational efficiency reflects the benefit of our rich pool of stable savings and current account deposits. The net interest margin stabilized at 7%, even as yields on treasury assets dropped in the last quarter of 2017. Our core transaction banking offerings gained strong momentum, with income from these business lines growing by double digits.”

“We remain committed to our responsible approach to balance sheet management, with focus on growing risk asset and broader balance sheet in a profitable and prudent manner. Amidst a subdued Nigerian credit market, we grew our loan portfolio by 10%, leveraging our robust liquidity and capitalization to support good businesses through this challenging economic cycle. We closed the year with a Basel II capital adequacy ratio of 19% and a liquidity ratio of 50%, well ahead of 15% and 30% regulatory requirement respectively. Our disciplined approach to lending and broader risk management continues to uphold our asset quality.” 

Apart from the strong financial performance in 2017, UBA Group proved its leadership on the continent as the Banker Magazine crowned the Group, “African Bank of the Year 2017”.  To further demonstrate the group’s strength and dominance in the financial sector on the continent, four of UBA Group’s operations in Africa also led contenders in their respective countries to emerge the Best Bank of the Year 2017 in their respective markets. UBA Congo, UBA Tchad, UBA Gabon and UBA Senegal emerged the Best Bank of the Year in Congo, Tchad, Gabon and Senegal, reinforcing the strong franchise of the Group across its chosen markets in Africa.

United Bank for Africa Plc is a leading financial services group in sub-Saharan Africa, with presence in 19 African countries, as well as the United Kingdom, the United States of America and France.
From a single country operation founded in 1949 in Nigeria, Africa's largest economy, UBA has emerged as a pan-African provider of banking and other financial services, to c.10 million customers globally, through one of the most diverse service channels in sub-Sahara Africa; 632 business offices, 1,750 ATMs, some 13,500 PoS, and a robust online and mobile banking platform.
UBA was the first Nigerian bank to make an Initial Public Offering (IPO), following its listing on the NSE in1970. It was also the first Nigerian bank to issue Global Depository Receipts (GDRs). The shares of UBA are publicly traded on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) and the Bank has a well-diversified shareholder base, including foreign and local institutional investors as well as individual shareholders.

Monday, March 26, 2018


Uber today announced the introduction of uberPOA (POA locally meaning “cool”) - a new low-cost bajaji product in addition to uberX in Dar es Salaam. The product, which will be available from today, will feature three wheeled motorized vehicles that are fuel efficient and locally known us rickshaws/tuktuks or bajaji’s. uberPOA will provide new and existing riders in Dar es Salaam a more affordable option in the way they travel in and around Dar es Salaam.

Commenting on the launch, Uber Country Manager in Tanzania, Alfred Msemo said, ‘Today we are excited to launch uberPOA a cost efficient product that features bajajis. We are delighted that uberPOA provides  a new and more affordable choice to riders. We are constantly innovating to improve our service and mission to provide safe, reliable and affordable rides in Dar es Salaam.” 

uberPOA will feature three wheeled bajajis which are generally more cost efficient to maintain for driver-partners. UberPOA will run alongside and complement the existing uberX option which features four wheeled sedans. “We believe that riders in Dar es Salaam should have more  choice in the way they move around our city, choices that are affordable and efficient - uberPOA is doing just that.” added Mr. Msemo.

uberPOA is priced with a base fare of TZS 1,500, TZ 400 per KM, TZ 80 per Min, a  minimum fare of TZS 2,000 and cancellation fee of 2,000. “At Uber we believe that riders and drivers should have certainty and control around prices so that they can make informed choices about when and how to use Uber.” concluded Mr.Msemo.

To help support driver-partners launching uberPOA, Uber said that it has put in place initial minimum guarantees for driver-partners as the city adjusts to the new service. To access the new service, riders simply need to open the Uber application where they will have the option to request either an uberPOA or an UberX ride. uberPOA is only available in Mwenge, Sinza, Kijitonyama, Mikocheni A, Mwananyamala, Kinondoni, Namanga, Msasani, Oysterbay, Masaki & Kigamboni with an aim to expand soon.

The introduction of new products is common for Uber, which offers a variety of products for riders and driver-partners around the world. In neighbouring Kenya, Uber has options such as uberCHAPCHAP, uberX and UberSELECT. In other parts of the world, uberMOTO, UberXL, UberBLACK, UberCHOPPER, UberASSIST, UberEXEC and UberPool.

Barclays give a helping hand to the less privileged kids

Barclays Bank Tanzania Head of  Legal and Compliance Department, Dotto Kahabi, hands over  clothes,  various food items and specially designed tables and chairs for disabled children to the director of Mwanangu Special Day Care and Rehabilitation Centre Director, Janet Manoni (third left), donated by BBT as part of its corporate citizenship commitment. A brief function was held at the centre’s premises, Vikindu, Mkuranga in Coast Region at the weekend.
Barclays Bank Tanzania Head of Legal and Compliance Department, Dotto Kahabi (left), hands over a specially designed table and chair for a disabled kid cared for at  Mwanangu Special Day Care and Rehabilitation Centre, donated by BBT as part of its corporate citizenship commitment. Assisting the kid is the centre’s Director, Janet Manoni. During the function at the centre’s premises, Vikindu, Mkuranga in Coast Region at the weekend, the BBT legal department officials also handed over clothes and a variety of food items.
Barclays Bank Tanzania Head of  Legal and Compliance Department, Dotto Kahabi (third left), hands over a special design table and chairs for  disabled kids to  Mwanangu Special Day Care and Rehabilitation Centre Director, Janet Manoni (centre) donated by BBT as part of its citizenship commitment at the centre’s premises, Vikindu, Mkuranga in Coast Region at the weekend. BBT legal department officials also handed over clothes and various food items.
Barclays Bank officials serve refreshments to some of the kids cared for at the Mwanangu Special Day Care and Rehalibitationcentre during the function.

Mshindi Kampeni ya Akaunti ya Malengo Kanda ya Dodoma akabidhiwa gari lake.

Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dodoma, Dk. Bilinith Mahenge akikabidhi funguo na kadi ya gari jipya aina ya Suzuki carry ‘Kirikuu’ kwa mmoja wa washindi wa kampeni ya akaunti ya Malengo ya Benki ya NBC, Patrick Bartholomeo Mgimwa (wa pili kushoto), katika hafla iliyofanyika mjini Dodoma jana. Wengine kutoka kushoto ni  Meneja Mahusiano Sekta ya Umma na Taasisi, Pascass Mhindi, Mkuu wa Bidhaa za Wateja Rejareja wa NBC, Andrew Lyimo na  Meneja wa NBC Kanda ya Morogoro, James Ndimbo.
Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dodoma, Dk, Bilinith Mahenge(katikati), akihojiwa na waandishi wa habari mara baada ya kukabidhi zawadi ya gari aina ya Suzuki Kirikuu kwa mmoja wa washindi wa kampeni ya Malengo ya Benki ya NBC, Patrick Bartholomeo Mgimwa (kulia kwake), katika hafla iliyofanyika mjini Dodoma jana. Wengine kutoka kushoto ni Meneja Mahusiano Sekta ya Umma na Taasisi, Pascass Mhindi, Mkuu wa Bidhaa za Wateja Rejareja wa NBC, Andrew Lyimo na Meneja wa Kanda ya Morogoro, James Ndimbo.
Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dodoma, Dk, Bilinith Mahenge (kulia), akizungumza na maofisa wa Benki ya NBC kabla ya kukabidhi zawadi ya gari aina ya Suzuki Kirikuu kwa mmoja wa washindi wa kampeni ya Malengo ya Benki ya NBC, Patrick Bartholomeo Mgimwa (hayupo pichani), katika hafla iliyofanyika mjini Dodoma jana. Kutoka kushoto ni, Meneja wa Kanda ya Morogoro, James Ndimbo, Meneja Mahusiano Sekta ya Umma na Taasisi, Pascass Mhindi na Mkuu wa Bidhaa za Wateja Rejareja, Andrew Lyimo.
Mkuu wa Bidhaa za Wateja Rejareja wa Benki ya NBC Tanzania, Andrew Lyimo (katikati), akihojiwa na waandishi wa habari katika hafla hiyo. Kushoto kwake ni Meneja Mahusiano Sekta ya Umma na Taasisi, Pascass Mhindi na Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dodoma, Dk. Binilith Mahenge.
Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dodoma, Dk, Bilinith Mahenge (wa sita kulia), akipiga picha ya kumbukumbu na wafanyakazi wa NBC Tawi la Dodoma pamoja na baadhi ya viongozi wao baada ya kukabidhi zawadi ya gari kwa mshindi wa kampeni ya akaunti ya Malengo mjini Dodoma jana.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam, Paul Makonda amesema kuwa ameshtusha na taarifa zilizosambaa mitanaoni kuhusu tukio la Afisa mmoja wa Ubalozi wa Syria ambaye amedaiwa kushambuliwa na kuporwa kiasi kikubwa cha fedha.

Afisa wa Ubalozi wa Syria anayetajwa kushambuliwa na kuporwa fedha

Mhe. Makonda ametoa taarifa yake kama Mwenyekiti wa Kamati ya Ulinzi na Usalama Mkoa ambapo amewataka wananchi kutulia na vyombo vya usalama wanafuatilia kwa umakini tukio hilo.

Soma taarifa hiyo hapa chini:


Kama Mwenyekiti wa Kamati ya Ulinzi na Usalama ya Mkoa wa Dar Es Salaam nimeshtushwa na taarifa zilizosambaa kwenye mitandao ya kijamii kwamba Afisa Ubalozi wa Syria ameshambuliwa na kuporwa kiasi kikubwa cha fedha leo mchana Jijini Dar Es Salaam. Taarifa hiyo imeenda mbali zaidi na kusema kwamba Dar Es Salaam sio salama na kueleza watu wawe makini zaidi.

Nawaomba sana wananchi wa Dar es Salaam muendelee kuwa watulivu na mkielewa kwamba Mkoa wenu ni salama salama sana. Vyombo vya usalama vinalifanyia kazi tukio hili na taarifa za awali nilizopokea zinaonyesha tukio hili linaweza kuwa limepangwa na watu wa ndani. Tunafuatilia zaidi kujua kwa nini Afisa huyo hakuomba ulinzi wa polisi akiwa amebeba kiasi hicho kikubwa cha fedha na pia kwa nini dereva wake amekimbia.

Kwa hali ilivyo mpaka sasa kuna uwezekano ikawa ni tukio la kupangwa na watu wa ndani. Hatutaruhusu watu wachache wachafue taswira ya Mkoa wetu.

Uchunguzi ukifikia sehemu nzuri taarifa rasmi itatolewa na vyombo vyetu vya usalama. Ulinzi na usalama wa wananchi wetu ni muhimu sana.

Mh. Paul Makonda
Mkuu wa Mkoa Dar Es Salaam


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