A blog that gives out financial institutions news on time with accurate informations.

  • CRDB Bank Share up 16PC in three weeks

    CRDB bank share price has made an abrupt U-turn after appreciating by 16 per cent in the last three weeks.

  • TIB slashes losses, bad loans up!

    TIB Development Bank has considerably reduced its net loss 17 times to 582m/- in this year quarter two (Q2) after cutting expenses.

  • MALINZI blesses TFF elections

    THE ousted Tanzania Football Federation (TFF) President Jamal Malinzi has expressed gratitude to the government, sponsors and football stakeholders in the country for their massive support.

  • Barrick, government talks next week

    BARRICK Gold will begin discussions with the government on the concentrate export ban and other issues next week

Thursday, October 26, 2023


Wadau mbalimbali wanaoshiriki katika wiki ya AZAKI inayoendelea Jijini Arusha wamejengewa uwezo wa matumizi sahihi ya teknolojia katika ustahimilivu wa fedha ili kuziwezesha Asasi zao kujisimamia kiuchimi.

Akizungumza katika mdahalo uliofanyika Jijini humo, Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Taasisi ya FCS TRUST ambayo ni Kampuni tanzu ya Foundation For Civil Society (FCS) Arthur Mtafya amesema muda umefika kwa AZAKI kuwekeza miundombinu itakayosaidia kufanikisha mstakabali wa kukuza ustahimilivu wa fedha, na kuondokana na utegemezi wa wahisani wa nje.
Akizungumzia majukumu ya FCS TRUST, Mtafya ameeleza kuwa taasisi hiyo ilianziashwa kwa lengo la kutoa ushauri wa kitaalam kwenye maendeleo ya AZAKI na uwekezaji, kwaajili ya kutengeneza faida na kuchangia kwenye ustahimilivu wa taasisi mama ya Foundation For Civil Society.

Aidha, ametoa ushauri elekezi na mafunzo kwa AZAKI, ambapo taasisi hiyo pia imefanya uwekezaji kwenye maeneo mawili ambayo ni Soko la Mitaji na kwenye majengo.
"Kwa sasa tuna mikakati ya miradi miwili ambapo tuna jengo ambalo tunatarajia kulipangisha ili tupate faida, pia tumewekeza kwenye soko la mitaji na tayari tumeshaanza kupata faida kidogo ambayo baada ya muda tunaamini tunaweza kupata mtaji utakaowezesha kufanya uwekezaji kwenye maeneo mengine mbalimbali kwa ajili ya kupata fedha itakayochangia kuimarisha ustahimilivu wa kifedha wa taasisi mama". amesema Mtafya.
Pia, amefafanua kuwa moja ya eneo ambalo taasisi hiyo inalifanyiakazi ni kuzijengea uwezo AZAKI, na kwamba kwenye mdahalo huo wamepata fursa ya kuwasilisha kile ambacho wanafanya katika matumizi ya teknolojia inayosaidia ustahimilivu wa fedha.

"FCS Trust tuna uzoefu wa kutengeneza mifumo ndani ya hizi taasisi ambayo inaweza kurahisisha mambo yao mengi ya ndani lakini pia namna ya kuwasiliana na taasisi za nje".ameongeza Mtafya

Tuesday, October 24, 2023


Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Victoria Finance, Bw. Julius Mcharo (wapili kushoto) akizungumza wakati wa hafla ya kuingia mkubaliano yakufanya kazi pamoja kuwaweesha wakulima kujipatia mikopo watatu kulia ni Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Pass Yohane Kaduma pamoja na maafisa wengine kutoka Taasisi hizo.

Dar es Salaam, 23 Oktoba 2023. Victoria Finance kwa kushirikiana na PASS Trust,  inatoa mikopo kwa wajasiriamali wa kilimo (Kilimo Pesa) kupitia dhamana ya mikopo kwa njia ya kidijitali kupitia PASS Trust, lengo likiwa ni kutoa huduma muhimu ya mitaji kwa wajasiriamali wa kilimo.

Victoria Finance imeanzisha huduma hii ya kidijitali ili kukidhi mahitaji ya mitaji kwa wakulima na wafanyabiashara wadogo  waliopo kwenye mnyororo  wa thamani wa kilimo, ikiwa ni pamoja na wale wanaojihusisha na biashara za mazao ya kilimo na mifugo. Kwa kutambua changamoto wanazokabiliana nazo wajasiriamali hawa, taasisi hiyo imeanzisha aina mbalimbali za mikopo ya muda mfupi ili kuimarisha biashara zao kwa ufanisi, urahisi na kwa uhakika zaidi.

Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Victoria Finance, Bw. Julius Mcharo kushoto pamoja na Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Pass Yohane Kaduma wakisaini mikataba ya makubaliano ya  yakufanya kazi pamoja kuwaweesha wakulima kujipatia mikopo.

 Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Taasisi inayowasaidia wakulima, wafugaji na wajasiarimali wote kwenye sector ya. Kilimo Biashara, ikupata mitaji katika benki ili waweze kuwekeza Pass Yohane Kaduma (watatu kulia), akizungumza wakati wa hafla ya kuingia mkubaliano yakufanya kazi pamoja kuwaweesha wakulima kujipatia mikopowapili kushoto ni Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Victoria Finance, Bw. Julius Mcharo pamojana maafisa wengine.


Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Victoria Finance, Bw. Julius Mcharo akizungumza katika tukio hilo amesema, “Dhamira yetu ni kutoa mitaji kwa wajasiriamali wa kilimo itakayo saidia kustawi kwa sekta ya kilimo. Mikopo hii imeundwa kwa kusudi la kusaidia gharama za mavuno, gharama za usindikaji, na gharama za maghala/kodi za maghala, ili wajasiriamali waweze kunufaika zaidi katika shughuli zao.”

Wajasiriamali wanaweza kupata mikopo kuanzia Shilingi za Tanzania 100,000 hadi 1,000,000 kwa mtu binafsi au kikundi kulingana na mahitaji yao. Pia kiasi hiki cha mkopo kinaweza kutolewa kwa njia ya simu ya muombaji, ili kurahisisha  malipo ya fedha kwa wakati na wakati huohuo kurahisisha urejeshwaji wake kwa wakati.

Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa PASS Trust, Bw. Yohane Kaduma, amesema, “Tunaamini kwa dhati kuwa sekta ya kilimo ndiyo nguzo ya uchumi wa nchi yetu, na ushirikiano wetu na Victoria Finance ni ushuhuda tosha wa kusaidia sekta hii ya kilimo. Ndiyo maana sisi PASS tunatoa dhamana za mikopo ya kidijitali kupitia simu za mkononi, kuruhusu wakulima kupata huduma  ya mikopo kutoka kwa taasisi za kifedha tukianza na taasisi ya Victoria Finance.”

Hata hivyo ushirikiano huu kati ya PASS na Victoria Finance unaonyesha dhamira ya kuendelea kuwawezesha wajasiriamali wa kilimo, kukuza mnyororo wa thamani wa kilimo, na kuchangia katika maendeleo ya kiuchumi ya Tanzania. 

Kuhusu Victoria Finance

Victoria Finance ni taasisi ya kifedha yenye sifa njema inayojitolea kutimiza mahitaji ya kifedha kwa wakulima wadogo, biashara ndogo na za kati, na wajasiriamali waliopo kwenye mnyororo wa thamani wa kilimo nchini Tanzania. Huduma nyingine za mikopo zinajumuisha mikopo ya biashara, ufugaji, elimu, nyumba, karadha na mikopo maalumu ya wajasiriamali wanawake. Taasisi ya Victoria Finance ina matawi Dar es Salaam, Dakawa-Morogoro na Madibira Mbeya.



Monday, October 23, 2023


Serikali imeombwa kutofautisha kazi zinazofanywa na Asasi za Kiraia (CSO's), na Asasi zisizo za kiserikali (NGO's) ili kila Mhimili uweze kufanya shuguli zake kwa ufanisi.

Ombi hilo limetolewa na Rais wa foundation for civil society (FCS) Dkt. Stigmata Tenga alipokuwa akifunga rasmi Wiki ya Asasi za Kiraia (AZAKI), iliyofanyika kwa juma moja kuanzia Octoba 23 hadi 27, 2023 Katika Kituo cha Kimataifa cha Mikutano AICC Jijini Arusha.
Amesema kuwa Asasi za Kiraia zitaendelea kuboresha mahusiano mazuri yalipipo kati yao na Asasi zisizo za Kiserikali kwa kuwa wadau wote hao wana jukumu la kuhakikisha wanafanya kazi zao kwaajili ya kuimarisha maendeleo ya Jamii na Taifa kwa ujumla.

"Asasi za Kiraia tutaboresha mahusiano yetu na Asasi zisizo za Kiserikali kwani nchi hii ni yetu, tunaifahamu, na sauti tunazoleta Serikalini ni sauti za wananchi wa nchi hii" amesema Dkt. Tenga.

Ameiomba Serikali kuendeleza ushirikiano na kuwasaidia, kwani wana ajenda nyingi ambazo wanashindwa kuzifanyia kazi kutokana na ushindani uliopo baina ya Asasi hizo.
Katika hatua nyingine, Dkt. Tenga ametangaza kusogezwa muda wa kufanyika Wiki ya AZAKI Kutoka mwezi Octoba kama ilivyo sasa, ambapo kwa mwaka wa 2024, Wiki hiyo itafanyika tarehe 26 hadi 30 mwezi Agosti.

"Tumefanya tathimini ya faida ambayo wana AZAKI wanaipata kwa kushiriki katika makongamano mbalimbali kwa mwaka, na umuhumu wa hayo matamasha yote kupitia kamati tendaji, tunatoa mapendekezo ya kufanya Wiki ya Asasi za Kiraia mwakani, iwe tarehe 26 hadi 30, mwezi Agosti" amesema Dkt. Tenga.

Wiki ya AZAKI 2023 iliyoanza Octoba 23 imehitimishwa rasmi leo Octoba 27, 2023 Jijini Arusha, ambayo imewaleta pamoja Asasi za Kiraia (AZAKI) kutoka Tanzania nzima kwa lengo la kujadili na kuboresha ushirikiano wa kimkakati.
Kauli mbiu ya Wiki ya AZAKI 2023, ni 'Teknologia na Jamii, Tulipotoka, tuilipo sasa na tunapoelekea, kuangazia fursa na changamoto zinazotokana na ulimwengu wa teknolojia unaoendelea'

Sunday, October 22, 2023



    … Kenya hosts the third harm reduction exchange as the focus centres on tobacco harm reduction initiatives


Nairobi, 19th October 2023… Stakeholders in the health sector have been challenged to consider harm reduction as a key guide in driving public health strategies in Africa. 


Harm reduction refers to interventions aimed at reducing the negative effects of health behaviours without necessarily extinguishing the problematic health behaviours entirely or permanently. 

Speaking during the third annual Harm Reduction Exchange themed: Amplifying the voice of Harm Reduction advocacy across Africa’, the president of theAfrican Medical Association and the Association of Medical Councils of AfricaDr. Kgosi Letlape challenged African governments to adopt harm reduction approaches when regulating public health challenges. 

Harm reduction, he said, is a more transformative strategy than prohibition-based policies and is better than simply advocating for complete abstinence. Harm reduction is a better approach to reducing tobacco-related death and disease. 


“Harm reduction is a practical and transformative approach that incorporates community-driven public health strategies including prevention, risk reduction, and health promotion to empower people who use drugs and their families with the choice to live healthy and self-directed,” Dr. Kgosi said. 


"We hope that our lobbying efforts will spark renewed conversations on tobacco harm reduction among all stakeholders, including regulators and policymakers, which could lead to effective regulation and access to noncombustible product alternatives for adult smokers who are unable or uninterested in quitting."


Across the world, harm reduction strategies have been deployed in public health as a pragmatic and compassionate approach to address various issues, particularly in the context of substance use and other risky behaviors. Some of these strategies include Needle Exchange Programs, supervised injection sites, condom distribution, PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis), Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), Vaping and E-Cigarettes, and supervised consumption of medications. 


“Organizations that practice harm reduction incorporate a spectrum of strategies that meet people where they are on their own terms and may serve as a pathway to additional health and social services, including additional prevention, treatment, and recovery services,” Dr. Vivianne Manyeki said. 


On her part, Integra Africa Principal Dr. Tendai Mhizha emphasized the role that journalists and media houses should play in handling misinformation and disinformation in tobacco harm reduction discussions. 


The media play a critical role in accelerating the progress towards full uptake of harm reduction strategies in all spheres of health across the continent. With the advent of technology, we find that misinformation and disinformation are becoming increasingly prevalent with the democratization of the information space. Moving forward, there is a need to ensure that stakeholders are well informed with current and relevant information about the science,the changes that occur and how we can advance towards a smoke-free world,” Dr. Tendai said. 


Raising awareness for tobacco harm reduction (THR) as a public health strategy encourages adult smokers who are unable or uninterested in quitting tobacco altogether to migrate to noncombustible product alternatives. THR has the potential to bring about one of the greatest public health achievements of our time,” said Dr. Tendai.

“Harm reduction is the better path forward. With harm reduction, regulators provide adult smokers with information, choice and support to expand the off-ramp from smoking – while also continuing to drive down underage use. Providing adult smokers with less harmful alternatives to cigarettes is a powerful step in achieving this goal,” Public Health Specialist and Secretary General of Harm Reduction Society in Kenya, Dr. Michael Kariuki said. 

Several African countries have already implemented THR policies and programs. For example, South Africa has legalized the sale of e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products. Kenya has also taken steps to regulate THR products and is considering legalizing e-cigarettes.


The harmonization of public healthcare regulation of THR products in Africa would be a positive step towards reducing the harms associated with tobacco use. It would also signal that African governments are committed to public health and protecting their citizens from the dangers of tobacco smoke.

About Harm Reduction

Harm Reduction refers to policies, programmes and practices designed to minimise negative health, social and legal impacts associated with various human behaviours using harmful products. Harm reduction is used to decrease the negative consequences of drug use and other elements, recognising that those unable or unwilling to stop can still make positive changes to protect themselves and others.

Harm reduction is most commonly applied to approaches that reduce adverse consequences of drug use. Harm reduction programmes now operate across various services and in different regions of the world. As of 2020, 86 countries had one or more programmes using a harm reduction approach to substance use.  Visit  https://harmreductionexchange.com/


Monday, October 16, 2023

Over 1,300 Empowered Women Food Vendors in Tanga Region Celebrate the Success of the Mwanamke Shujaa Campaign, Courtesy of Coca-Cola Kwanza Ltd, in Collaboration with Oryx Gas and ISW

Minister for Health and Tanga Urban Legislator, Hon. Ummy Mwalimu (second from the right), and Coca-Cola Kwanza Managing Director, Unguu Sulay (third from the left), pose for a photograph with some of the 311 women food vendors, 'mama lishe,' beneficiaries of Coca-Cola's Mwanamke Shujaa economic inclusion program, shortly after they were provided with working tools at a function held in Tanga on Sunday. Each woman received a 15kg gas cylinder, a two-plate gas cooker, an apron, a cooking table, and a crate of soda. At least 6,700 entrepreneurs have benefited from the program over the last three years.
Some beneficiaries of Coca-Cola's Mwanamke Shujaa economic inclusion program attending the handover ceremony of working tools facilitated by Coca-Cola in collaboration with Oryx Gas Tanzania, the Institute of Social Work, Korogwe FM, and TK FM. At least 6,700 entrepreneurs have benefited from the program over the last three years.
Over 1,300 empowered food vendors in Tanga Region celebrate the success of the Mwanamke Shujaa campaign, courtesy of Coca-Cola Kwanza, Oryx Gas, and the Institute of Social Work. Pictures show 311 women receiving working tools consisting of LPG cylinders, gas stoves, tables, aprons, and crates of soda.

Over 1,300 Empowered Women Food Vendors in Tanga Region Celebrate the Success of the Mwanamke Shujaa Campaign, Courtesy of Coca-Cola Kwanza Ltd, in Collaboration with Oryx Gas and ISW.

Coca-Cola Kwanza Ltd, a subsidiary of Coca-Cola Beverages Africa (CCBA), in collaboration with Oryx Gas Tanzania, the Institute of Social Work (ISW), Korogwe FM, and TK FM Radio, has once again demonstrated its commitment to community empowerment through the successful support of 311 women food vendors in Tanga city.

This marks a cumulative total of 1395 women vendors empowered in the Tanga region, an initiative under the Mwanamke Shujaa campaign.

The beneficiaries have received essential business support, including cooking equipment, clothing items, and skill-enhancing workshops focusing on bookkeeping, customer care, stress management, and capital growth.

The handover ceremony, held at the Usagara Secondary School grounds, was graced by Hon. Ummy Mwalimu, Minister of health and member of parliament for the Tanga constituency.

Each woman received a 15kg gas cylinder, a two-plate gas cooker, an apron, a cooking table, and a crate of soda. This year, the Mwanamke Shujaa campaign has empowered 1,711 women in total, reinforcing Coca-Cola Kwanza Ltd’s commitment to promoting women's economic empowerment.

Hon. Ummy Mwalimu expressed gratitude towards Coca-Cola Kwanza Ltd and Oryx Gas Tanzania for their unwavering support to Tanga city. She emphasized the importance of the initiative in enhancing food vendor operations, boosting individual income, creating job opportunities for women, and aligning with the government’s clean energy agenda.

Unguu Sulay, Managing Director of Coca-Cola Kwanza, reaffirmed the company's commitment to shaping a more equitable future for communities, stating, "Coca-Cola Kwanza is thrilled to contribute to women's empowerment initiatives through educational, employability, and entrepreneurial programs."

Mr. Sulay noted that the company has uplifted 1,395 women food vendors in the Tanga region in less than two months, bringing the total number of empowered women to 1,731. The MD added, "Our Economic Inclusion Program also encompasses a youth component. This year, we have empowered 1,039 youth, bringing the total number of individuals impacted by our programs to 2,770."

This initiative is part of Coca-Cola Kwanza Ltd’s ongoing efforts to empower women entrepreneurs and contribute to the economic development of communities. The Mwanamke Shujaa campaign is making a significant impact in the lives of women food vendors in Korogwe, and it is a testament to the collaborative efforts of Coca-Cola Kwanza Ltd, Oryx Gas Tanzania, the Institute of Social Work, Korogwe FM, and TK FM Radio.

Coca-Cola Kwanza Ltd remains committed to fostering economic empowerment for women in Tanzania, with one more initiative planned for this year.

Sunday, October 15, 2023



Kaimu Mkurugenzi  Mkuu wa Tanzania Commercial Bank Bw. Jema Msuya (wa tatu kushoto) akikata keki wakati wa maadhimisho ya wiki ya hudima kwa mteja. Hafla hiyo iliyofanyika katika tawi jipya la benki hiyo lililozinduliwa hivi karibuni Mpwapwa mkoani Dodoma. Wengine pichani ni Mwenyekiti wa bodi ya wakurugenzi wa benki hiyo Edmund Mndolwa, Meneja wa Tawi hilo pamoja na wateja.

Kaimu Mkurugenzi  Mkuu wa Tanzania Commercial Bank Bw. Jema Msuya akizungumza wakati wa hafla ya uzinduzi wa tawi jipya la benki hiyo lililozinduliwa hivi karibuni Mpwapwa mkoani Dodoma ambapo mgeni rasmi katika uzinduzi huo alikuwa Kaimu kiongozi wa mbio za mwenge kitaifa Abdallah Shaib.

Kaimu Mkurugenzi  Mkuu wa Tanzania Commercial Bank Bw. Jema Msuya pamoja na maafisa wengine wa benki hiyo wakifurahia mara baada ya kuzindua tawi jipya la benki hiyo lililozinduliwa hivi karibuni Mpwapwa mkoani Dodoma ambapo mgeni rasmi katika uzinduzi huo alikuwa Kaimu kiongozi wa mbio za mwenge kitaifa Abdallah Shaib


Saturday, October 14, 2023



Kaimu Mkurugenzi wa Tanzania Commercial Bank Jema Msuya akizungumza na mawakala wa benki hiyo wa mkoa wa Dar es Salaam wakati wa uzinduzi rasmi  wa mafuzo kwaajili yakuwajengea uwezo wa ili kuhakikisha wanatoa huduma bora

Mawakala wa TCB wakifuatilia kwa umakini mafunzo hayo.

Tanzania Commercial Bank imetoa semina kwa mawakala wake zaidi ya 1300 wanaotoa huduma za kifedha maeneo mbalimbali ya jiji la Dar es Salaam, lengo likiwa ni kuboresha huduma na ufanisi kwa wateja wa TCB wanaojipatia huduma za kibenki kwa mawakala hao.

Akizungumza katika semina hiyo,Kaimu Mkurugenzi  Mkuu wa Tanzania Commercial Bank Bw, Jema Msuya alisema semina hizo ni mwendelezo wa mafunzo kwa mawakala waTCB nchi nzima ili kuboresha huduma, kukuza biashara zao na kuleta ufanisi kuboresha katika kumuhudumia mteja.

Alisema TCB Hadi sasa tumekuwa na mwakalazaidi zaidi ya 5600 ambao hutoa huduma nchi nzima huku ikiwa na matawi 82 na mashine za ATM zaidi ya 400 lengo likiwa kusogeza huduma kwa wateja wake.

Jema alisema huduma ya TCB Wakala iliyoanzishwa  ili kusaidia na kuondoa kero mbalimbali  kwa wateja wa TCB ikiwemo foleni katika matawi mbalimbali ya benki hiyo huku ikitoa ajira kwa mawakala zaidi ya elfu 5600 ambao nao wameajiri vijana mbalimbali ambao wanajipatia kipato.

Mafunzo haya yanaenda sambamba na kuwapongeza mawakala waliofanya vizuri kwa mwaka huu katika kazi zao, ili kuleta chachu kwa wengine kufanya vizuri zaidi.

kwa upande wake mmoja ya mawakala Raqeeb Hamidu ameishukuru TCB kwakuandaa semina hizi marakwamara kwasababu wanazidi kunufaika nakuongeza uwezo wakuwahudumia wateja kwa uadilifu mkubwa na wepesi.

Tanzania commercial bank imekuwa Benki ya kwanza kwakutujali sisi mawakala na wateja wake maana hizi semina zinakwenda kumsaidia wakala wa zamani lakini pia wakala wapya


Tanzania Commercial Bank joins with Standard Chartered Bank in the provision of banking services.





Standard Chartered Bank Tanzania organized a breakfast event for its Business customers at the Hyatt Regency Hotel together with the Business Bank of Tanzania, the aim of which is to promote the service that enables SCB customers to use the TCB network to deposit and withdraw money at its 82 Branches as well as 5,600 TCB agents nationwide.

This partnership aims to provide a convenient, real-time and secure environment for customers of Standard Chartered Bank to carry out their banking services.
The event was attended by the Acting Executive Director of TCB, Mr. Jema Msuya together with senior representatives from the bank, Rayson Foya, together with the Deputy Director of Standard Chartered who is also the Head of the Transaction Division Efeh Amoah together with other officers from SCB.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Bharti Enterprises Founder commends President Samia Suluhu Hassan for advancing digital adoption in Tanzania

President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Her Excellency Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan (center), poses with Bharti Enterprises Founder and Chairman, Mr. Sunil Bharti Mittal (left), and Minister of Information, Communications, and Information Technology, Hon. Nape Nnauye, during a recent four-day state visit to India. Bharti operates Airtel Tanzania with a 49% stake owned by government of Tanzania.
President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Her Excellency Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan (right), engaged in conversation with Bharti Enterprises Founder and Chairman, Mr. Sunil Bharti Mittal (third from the left), and his delegation. President Samia met with Bharti Enterprises during her recent four-day state visit to India recently. Bharti operates Airtel Tanzania with a 49% stake owned by government of Tanzania.

Dar es Salaam, October 12, 2023 — Bharti Enterprises Founder and Chairman, Mr. Sunil Bharti Mittal, commended Her Excellency, President Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan, for the remarkable strides Tanzania has made in digital adoption.

Mr. Mittal, whose company operates Airtel Tanzania, in which the Government of Tanzania holds a 49% stake, expressed his sentiments during a meeting with President Samia during her four-day state visit to India. He reaffirmed Airtel's unwavering partnership with the Tanzanian government in its commitment to expediting digital adoption in the country.

Discussions in the meeting explored opportunities for enhanced collaboration in realising Tanzania’s digital ambitions, occasioned by the historic elevation of bilateral relations between the two countries.

In a notable aimed at enhancing accessibility and efficiency of communication services to achieve at least 85% internet penetration by 2025, the Government of Tanzania and Airtel Tanzania signed an agreement for a project designed to install 758 communication towers across the country.

Mr. Dinesh Balsingh, Managing Director of Airtel Tanzania, affirmed company’s commitment to working closely with the Government of Tanzania to bring the digital economy agenda to fruition, enabled by strengthened ICT infrastructure.

"Following the granting of a license by the Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority to operate the 2Africa submarine cable in August 2022, Airtel Tanzania recently launched two significant projects, namely, the 2Africa submarine cable and Airtel's 5G network. These project, which were unveiled at a ceremony graced by Her Excellency, Mama Samia, will go a long way in contributing to enhanced digital connectivity in the country," said Mr. Balsingh.

He added, "Airtel services have been expanding across the nation, now covering up to over 80% of rural areas, we have successfully deployed our 4G network technology on Airtel's towers, extending coverage to 90%, with the introduction of 5G technology, we are dedicated to ensuring that Tanzanians have improved access to communication services and faster internet."

Wednesday, October 11, 2023



Kaimu Mkurugenzi  Mkuu wa Tanzania Commercial Bank ambaye ni Mkurugenzi wa Tehama Bw. Jema Msuya akizungumza wakati wa hafla ya maadhimisho ya wiki ya huduma kwa mteja ambapo benki hiyo pia iliandaa chakula cha jioni kwa ajili ya wateja wake. Hafla hiyo ilifanyika makao makuu ya Benki hiyo jijini Dar es Salaam.

Baadhi ya maofisa wa Tanzania Commercial Bank pamoja na wateja wa benki hiyo wakiwa katika hafla ya chakula cha jioni kilichoandaliwa na benki hiyo ikiwa ni maadhimisho ya wiki ya huduma kwa mteja.

Kaimu Mkurugenzi  Mkuu wa Tanzania Commercial Bank ambaye ni Mkurugenzi wa Tehama Bw. Jema Msuya (katikati), akiwa katika picha ya pamoja na maafisa wa benki hiyo wakati wa chakula jioni kilichoandaliwa na benki hiyo kwa ajili ya wateja wake ikiwa ni maadhimisho ya wiki ya huduma kwa mteja. 



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