A blog that gives out financial institutions news on time with accurate informations.

  • CRDB Bank Share up 16PC in three weeks

    CRDB bank share price has made an abrupt U-turn after appreciating by 16 per cent in the last three weeks.

  • TIB slashes losses, bad loans up!

    TIB Development Bank has considerably reduced its net loss 17 times to 582m/- in this year quarter two (Q2) after cutting expenses.

  • MALINZI blesses TFF elections

    THE ousted Tanzania Football Federation (TFF) President Jamal Malinzi has expressed gratitude to the government, sponsors and football stakeholders in the country for their massive support.

  • Barrick, government talks next week

    BARRICK Gold will begin discussions with the government on the concentrate export ban and other issues next week

Saturday, July 25, 2020


Na Mwandishi wetu

Uchaguzi kura za maoni ndani ya ccm umeendelea kushika kasi ambapo leo umeendelea kwa hatua kwa wanaoomba nafasi za udiwani.

Wilayani ilala katika kata ya buyuni  bwana Karim Madenge  ameongoza kwakupata kura 57 kati ya kura 160 kwenyemkutano mkuu wa kata hiyo.

Wajumbe 164 Leo tarehe25 julai 2020, wamemchagua  Karim Madenge  katika kura za maoni kwa mgombea wa nafasi ya Udiwani katika kata ya buyuni Ilala jiji Dar es Salaam kupitia tiketi ya Chama cha Mapnduzi CCM katika Uchaguzi  Mkuu ujao.

Msimamizi wa uchaguzi huo alimtangaza Jessica Motto kuwa mshindi wa pili kwakupata kura 37, huku  anaefuata alieshika nafasi ya tatu alipata kura 22.

Ndugu wa jumbe wa mkutano huu wajumbe waliopiga kura ni 160 na wagombea jumala yao ni 22 hivyo tufuate kanuni za uchaguzi kisheria.

Akizungumza baada ya matokeo hayo msimamizi wa matokeo  Juma Abdallah Mnambya aliseme kuwa mbali na matokeo yaliopatikana leo basi haimaanishi kuwa alieshinda leo kwenyekura za maoni  ndio Diwani wa kata hiyo.

Amesema kuwa majina yote yatapelekwa kwa viongozi wa ngazi za juu ili kuyafanyia kazi ndio watarudisha jina la mmoja kati ya wagombea  kwaajili ya kuingia kwenye uchaguzi mkuu hivyo nawaomba tusijengeane chuki tusipeanemaneno ya kebehi kikubwa tuendelee kushikamana ili kuendeleza jukumulakuongoza nchi yetu pamoja na chama chetu.

Uchaguzi huo uliofanyika katika kata hiyo huku kukiwa na dosari ndogondogo ikiwepo Mwenyekiti wa Serikali ya Mtaa wa Nyeburu, Hamisi Mohamedi Gea kusababisha vurugu zilizoleta sintofahamu kwa wajumbe wa mkutano huo.

Mwenyekiti huyo alionesha utovu wa nidhamu katika uchaguzi huo  mbele ya wasimamizi wa uchaguzi huo.

Baadhi ya wajumbe walikerwa sana na kitendo cha Mwenyekiti wa Nyeburu, Hamisi Mohamedi Gea kuleta vurugu katika uchaguzi wa amani na uwazi.

Kwa upande wake mshindi wa pili wa Kura za maoni ngazi ya udiwani  Jessica Motto alisema yeye amepokea matokeo kama yalivyotangazwa.

Jessica alisema "Nashukuru kufikia hatua ya kwanza kura za maoni, pamoja na dosari zilizojitokeza mimi ni mwanachama kindakindaki wa Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM), nimesikitishwa sana na vurugu ambazo kiongozi wetu wa ngazi ya Mwenyekiti Serikali ya Mtaa kufanya vurugu zile na kuwakosea heshima kamati ya siasa na wasimamizi toka ngazi ya juu Wilaya.Ni utovu wa nidhamu na hili liangaliwe kwa makini katika kuwasimamisha viongozi wa aina hii Kwaajili ya kulinda chama". alisema Motto.

Mwenyekiti wa CCM  Kata ya Buyuni Jacob Nyajiego, wakati wa mkutano mkuu wa  wajumbe kuchagua wagombea wa udiwani kata ya Buyuni iliyoko wilaya ya ilala jijini Dar es Salaam leo.

 Jessica Motto ambae ameshika nafasi ya pili kura za maoni akijinadi kuomba kura kwa wajumbe wa mkutano huo
Jessica Motto ambae ameshika nafasi ya pili akihesabia kura zake

 Jessica Motto ambae ameshika nafasi ya pili kura za maoni akiwa na familia yake
Vurugu za tokea uchaguzi kata ya Buyuni


Thursday, July 23, 2020

Zantel yazindua huduma ya Halikati, wateja kuweza kuvusha dakika na Mbs zilizosalia kwenda kifurushi kipya

Mkuu wa Zantel Zanzibar, Mohammed Khamis Mussa (kushoto) akizungumza na waandishi wa habari wakati wa uzinduzi wa huduma mpya ijulikanayo kama ‘Bando Halikati’ inayompa mteja uwezo wa kuvusha dakika na MBs za intaneti kutoka kifurushi cha awali kwenda kifurushi kipya.Huduma hiyo inapatikana kwa kupiga *149*15# na kujiunga kifurushi chochote cha Zantel ukipendacho.
Mkuu wa Biashara wa Zantel, Aneth Muga (kulia) akizungumza na waandishi wa habari wakati wa uzinduzi wa huduma mpya maarufu kama ‘Bando Halikati’ inayowawezsha wateja kuvusha dakika na MBs za intaneti za Zantel kutoka kifurushi cha awali kwenda kifurushi kipya.Huduma hiyo itawapa wateja uhuru wa kuwasiliana na kuperuzi zaidi.

Zanzibar. 23 Julai 2020. Ule wasiwasi wa kupoteza dakika na Mbs za intaneti pale kifurushi chako kinapoisha muda wake kwa sasa imebaki kuwa historia kwa wateja wa Zantel baada ya Kampuni hiyo kuzindua huduma maalumu ijulikanayo kama Halikati.

Huduma hiyo ya aina yake inamuwezesha mteja kuvusha dakika na MBs zilizosalia kutoka kwenye kifurushi cha awali kwenda kifurushi kipya na kumpa uwezo wa kuongea na kuperuzi zaidi.

Akizingumza wakati wa uzinduzi wa ofa hiyo, Mkuu wa Zantel Zanzibar, Mohammed Khamis Mussa alisema huduma hiyo imelenga kuwapa wateja uhuru wa kuchagua kifurushi chochote na kufurahia mawasiliano bila kikomo.

“Mawasiliano ya uhakika ni kiungo muhimu katika kuchochea maendeleo hivyo huduma hii ya Halikati itampa mteja uhakika wa mawasiliano ili kusaidia kuendesha shughuli mbalimbali kama biashara, kilimo na uvuvi bila wasiwasi wa kuisha kwa kifurushi chako,” alisema.

Ni dhahiri kuwa shughuli kama kilimo, uvuvi na biashara mbalimbali zikiwemo utalii zinahitaji mawasiliano ili kutafuta masoko, hivyo kuwa muda wa maongezi na intaneti ni muhimu kufanikisha ukuaji na maendeleo ya shughuli hizo.

Aidha, huduma hii ya aina yake katika soko la mawasiliano imelenga pia kupunguza kero mbalimbali ambazo wateja wamekuwa wakikumbana nazo ikiwamo wasiwasi wa kuisha kwa vifurushi pasipo kutumia dakika na intaneti.

Naye, Mkuu wa Biashara wa Zantel, Aneth Muga alisema kupitia ofa hiyo Zantel inahakikisha inampa mteja thamani ya pesa kulingana na matumizi yake.

“Hakuna haja ya kusubiri hadi kifurushi chako kiishe, kupitia ofa hii una uwezo wa kununua kifurushi kipya kabla cha awali hakijaisha na ukaweza kuvusha dakika na Mbs zilizosalia,” alisema Muga.

Vilevile, Ofa hii inampa mteja uwezo wa kuokoa pesa kwani mteja ataweza kupata muda wa maongezi zaidi pamoja na intaneti huku akifurahia huduma bila wasiwasi wa kikomo cha muda wa matumizi.

Kwa kupiga *149*15#, au kujiunga kupitia Wakala wa MIMINA au Ezypesa, mteja wa Zantel kujiunga na kifurushi chochote akipendacho na atakuwa na uwezo wa kuvusha salio la dakika na MBs za intaneti.

Monday, July 20, 2020

ABSA Tanzania MD Speaks on the Banks Key Highlights

Following the successful launch of the Absa brand in Tanzania, our editor had the opportunity to catch up with Absa Tanzania Managing Director Abdi Mohamed. In a wide ranging exclusive interview he was able to share the key highlights of the journey to Absa and the turnaround in financial performance over the last 4 years.

Q: What is the status of the Absa brand transition so far?

A: Three years ago, we set out on a challenging and exciting journey to transition the Barclays brand to Absa in all our presence markets in Africa. In February we successfully launched the Absa brand in Tanzania. In the months since then we have fully concluded our separation programme and are now operating in Tanzania as Absa Bank Tanzania limited. We appreciate the support and guidance from the Bank of Tanzania under the leadership of the Governor, Professor Luoga. I would also like to mention the support of other government agencies in this process.

Q: How is the Absa brand performing in Tanzania

A: As Absa Bank Tanzania, we are well represented within the country. We maintain a network of 15 branches and 60 ATMs in which 49 are deposit accepting ATMs that are strategically placed within a number of cities that includes Dar es Salaam, Dodoma, Mwanza, Arusha, Zanzibar, Moshi, Morogoro, Iringa and Mbeya.

As a Group, we have a presence in 12 African countries and an international representative office in London. We have almost 41,000 employees, more than 1,000 branches, and approximately 10,000 ATMs. We are one of Africa’s largest diversified financial services groups, offering an integrated set of products and services across personal and business banking, corporate and investment banking, wealth and investment management and insurance.

As an organisation, we believe in bringing possibility to life. We are here to fulfil the ambitions of our customers and communities, and we look forward to continuing to build strong partnerships in both private and public sectors to make this a reality.

In Tanzania Absa has performed well financially over the past three years supported by the growth in key economic sectors in the economy as well as an enabling regulatory environment. We have provided over 500 billion TZS in credit facilities to among others Manufacturing, Construction, Tourism, Trading and Agriculture since 2016. We have introduced a Bancassurance unit, enhanced our online and digital channels capabilities and improved our transactional and card prepositions in both acquiring and issuing.

As a result of these efforts and initiatives, we have grown revenues by a Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 7.2% since 2016. Our total balance sheet has grown from 673bilion TZS to 1Trilion TZS as at the end of 2019. The bank continues to be well capitalized and has sufficient and growing levels of liquidity to continue serving our customers.

We have optimized and refreshed our branch network to be of the state of the art. We currently have six branches in Dar es Salaam namely Alpha house, Mikocheni, Pugu Road, Slip way, Dar City Mall, Ohio and nine branches in nine regions namely Arusha , Moshi, Mwanza, Tanga, Dodoma, Iringa, Mbeya, Morogoro, Zanzibar. We also have invested in top of the range ATMs with our ATM network now standing at 60 ATMs.

The feedback from our customers in the latest survey indicates satisfaction with the Absa brand and its services. We of course continue to research, innovate and improve our offerings to the market.

Q: How has the COVID19 crisis affected your business?

A: Covid 19 as you know is a global crisis that has affected the global as well as regional economies with global projections indicating a significant impact on key sectors such as travel, tourism and hospitality. The Tanzania economy has been more resilient and has performed better than regional peers during the Covid period, mainly as a result of early mitigating actions taken to ensure a balanced approach to the crisis.

In the financial services sector, the BoT and the TBA have taken a leading role in coordinating industry efforts to ensure the financial effects of the crisis are well managed. Some of the measures that were issued by BOT to mitigate the COVID-19 impact include:-

Lowering the SMR by 1%, Reduction of discount rate from 7% to 5%, Reduction of haircuts on government securities, increased daily transactions limits for mobile money operators as well as permitting regulatory flexibility in order for banks and financial institutions to discuss restructuring of loans with borrowers who are facing financial difficulty due to COVID-19

In Absa we have taken a number of actions to ensure our staff and customers remain safe in line with Ministry of Health guidelines. As part of our social responsibility agenda, we have donated a PPE material (Mask, Sanitizers and Gloves) which was received by the Minister for Health on behalf of the government of Tanzania.

Recognizing the impact of Covid19 on some of our customer’s businesses we have instituted a debt relief programme, in line with the guidelines of the BoT. This is done to alleviate the impact and after thorough discussion and agreement with the clients. It is also done strictly in accordance with the existing regulatory guidelines. Under this debt relief programme we have restructured to the tune of 125Bilions TZS to support the customer during this time.

We currently planning to partner with some of our clients to continue to support the Government with fight against the pandemic.

Q: You recorded positive business trend last year compared to 2018, registering a 6 per cent revenue growth. What prospects do you have for the coming year as far as Covid-19 economic crisis is concerned?

A: During this period the main focus of Absa has been to support our customers in the most affected sectors to manage and mitigate the business impact of Covid19. This has been done through not only the targeted debt rescheduling measures but also through our ongoing technical advice on managing their business through the effects of the global pandemic. The forward looking projections depend to a large extent on the success of the global measures taken to fight the pandemic. The broad consensus at present appears to support a gradual global recovery starting in 2021 as countries continue to reopen and as global trade and travel resumes. In Tanzania we have seen relatively less impact on our economy mainly as a result of the balanced approach adopted with regards to the issue of shut-downs, the diversified nature of the economy and the mitigating actions contained in the Bank of Tanzania statement dated 08 May 2020.

The impact of the depressed global trading environment, the disruption in supply chains as well as the macro impact of global lockdowns and travel restrictions is expected to have sectoral impact in certain key sectors. The impact of this on banking sector performance remains to be seen and is dependent to a large extent on the pace of recovery and how the global situation unfolds in the coming months. Our focus at present is to work with all stakeholders and to support our customers through this period.

Q: Tanzania is focusing on industrial economy, which relies on agricultural produce. Do you have intentions of supporting agriculture in the country?

A: First and foremost, I would like to congratulate our 5th phase Government on the recent reclassification of the United Republic of Tanzania as a lower middle income country by the World Bank. This was achieved ahead of schedule and is a testament to the positive policies in key sectors of the economy such as manufacturing, agriculture and mining among others.

With regards to your specific question on Agriculture, the sector contributes 26% to the country’s GDP and provides livelihood to the majority of the population. Absa is committed to ensure we support the Government initiative and to date, we have supported customers in agriculture and the key value chains to expand their factories, buys from farmers, export, and local processing. Some of the cash crops that we have supported includes cotton, sugar, cashew nuts and sesame among others.

While we continue to provide this support, we constantly review any improvements we can make in our offering to this key sector and you will see more focus on this. In addition to agriculture, Absa has a wide range of products, services and solutions for all major sectors of the economy and we have clients in manufacturing, energy, tourism, construction, health-care, and trade among others.

Q: As you look forward what should your customers expect from Absa

A: Absa continues to play a pivotal role in the banking sector and the wider economy. We will continue in our great tradition to innovate and introduce new products and services to our customers. We have invested significant amounts of money to enhance the look and feel of our branches and invested in cash accepting ATMs. Additionally,

We have obtained a Bancassurance agency License and are in the course of rolling out to the market. We pride ourselves in expertise, excellent support as well as convenience.

We have rolled out the first new vertical Absa card that is contactless. On 24th July, and soon we will be launching a new card capability that is still speaking of bringing possibilities to lives of our customers and Tanzania in general.

We are currently upgrading our mobile banking platform to further improve client experience with new features including password recovery, improved navigation etc.

We are working on client engagement channels including WhatsApp banking as well as Interactive Voice Response (IVR) lines.

We have just introduced a Government Electronic Payment Gateway (GePG) platform where our customers can now easily make all their TRA Tax payments through our branches or our CIB Online portal.

Q: Finally, is there anything that hasn’t been touched upon this you would like to be mentioned?

A: I Just want to emphasize on Digitization and that with the future of banks being digital, we are geared to give our customers products and services that speak to that, and within the next six months, you can expect to see a lot of exciting innovations become part of our portfolio.

We will start commercializing our recently launched Virtual assist (Chatbot) that is available on our public website and WhatsApp, this will allow our customers to be able to talk to us 24/7

Before end of the year we will be rolling out of WhatsApp or social banking channel, this will give our customer ability to perform some banking transactions/services on WhatsApp platform on their smart phones. We will later extend this offering to other social media platform like Facebook and Twitter.

Our online banking platforms have been upgraded to latest cutting edge technologies including finger print authentication and facial Identification, we will continue to enhance these channels this year with additional features like real time bank to bank payments, International payments including standalone application with international inward remittance capabilities, ability to open a new and additional account remotely, remote loan top up capability etc.

In the back end of our operation we are looking continue with backend automation and digitization process that we embarked a couple of years ago e.g. Scanning and Imaging, Intelligent process automation and robotics, advanced analytics & data science, Process redesigning and new platform development to allow new innovations.

Friday, July 17, 2020


I&M Bank's Board Member, Ambassador Bertha Semu-Somi, speaks during the launch of the bank’s newly-introduced Tunaweza Women's Account during the bank’s main branch inauguration.
Bank of Tanzania (BOT) Deputy Governor, Dr. Bernard Kibesse speaks during the launch of the bank’s newly-introduced Tunaweza Women's Account during the bank’s main branch inauguration.
Dar es Salaam - I&M Bank Tanzania has announced the inauguration of its relocated Main Branch as well as the launch of their first-ever account, exclusively for women in Tanzania. This two-tier event took place at their Main Branch new premises located at Indira Gandhi Street next to NIDA Textile building, on15th July, 2020.

The newly refreshed branch is testimony of I&M Bank’s commitment to the market and its customers; loyal to the Bank for over 10 years having taken over from CF Union. Dr. Bernard Y. Kibesse, BOT Deputy Governor, officiated the inauguration and further commended I&M for its good work in support of the economy.

Speaking during the inauguration, Dr. Kibesse further applauded the Bank for its understanding of the needs of their customers and responding positively by ensuring they get the best experience while visiting the Bank, “10years of existence in the market, with extensive trend of profit making gives the market a very high promising future to bank with I&M”, he capped.

The Bank took the opportunity of the inauguration of the Main Branch, to officially launch I&M Tunaweza Women’s Account, a special product dedicated to women entrepreneurs. Ambassador Bertha E. Semu-Somi, I&M Bank Board member, announced the official launch.Shesaid the move will help Tanzanian women to improve their saving culture, while enabling them to meet their targeted economic dreams. She noted that the special account dedicated to women, had distinguished features scarcely in the market,

The newly launched ‘I&M Tunaweza Women's Account’ comes in 3 variants: Tunaweza Individual Savings Account, Tunaweza Current Account for businesses and Tunaweza Group Account for Associations, with each offering various privileges and benefits to the account holder.

“I am excited by the response of the Guest of honor and our invitees here to witness the inauguration of our Main Branch and the introduction of this most exciting Women Account in the market. This year we are celebrating 10 successful years of our existence in the market, having originated from a very strong group bank of I&M holding in Kenya.” Said Baseer Mohammed, I&M Bank’s CEO.

"We salute the spirit of women for striking the perfect balance between managing work and family. We believe that it is our responsibility as an organization to make opportunities available for women to invest in themselves. This account has very exciting features with nomonthly fees as well as transaction charges to support women in different fields. Said Lilian Mtali, Head of Retail Banking, I&M Bank.

I&M Bank has presence in Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Mwanza and Moshi with fully-fledged branch operations in those specific areas.

Thursday, July 16, 2020


NMB Bank Board Chairman, Dr. Edwin P. Mhede (centre), receiving the Best Bank Award from the NMB Bank Acting Managing Director, Ruth Zaipuna (left). Looking on is the NMB Bank Chief of Retail Banking, Filbert Mponzi (right).
NMB Bank Board Chairman, Dr. Edwin P. Mhede (centre), NMB Bank Acting Managing Director, Ruth Zaipuna (left) and NMB Bank Chief of Retail Banking, Filbert Mponzi (right), rejoice with the award given to them by Euromoney for being the Best Bank in Tanzania.
NMB Bank Plc has for the 8th consecutive year scooped the Best Bank in Tanzania 2020 award by Euromoney Magazine outshining about 40 other banks in the country. This is a top award issued by the leading global financial markets magazine based in London.

The award is given after measuring a number of metrics including, financial performance, digital banking strategy, financial inclusion, product offerings and the approach to cybersecurity and corporate social responsibility.

Other metrics considered include market capitalization; return on equity; return on assets; market share of deposits; market share of loans; loans-to-deposits ratio; non-performing loans ratio; and non-performing loan coverage ratio.

This award reflects the progress NMB Bank has made in delivering a banking experience that captures what customers need today and tomorrow, making it the best bank for financial inclusion in the country.

NMB’s Acting Managing Director, Ruth Zaipuna said, “We are today a bank that is known for, Resilience, focus on Technology and Innovation.”

"NMB’s purpose is to drive Tanzania's growth. We are committed to being more than a provider of financial products and services - we are a catalyst for economic change in our country, and we endeavour to enhance the lives of our fellow Tanzanians by offering convenience and accessibility of our banking services across the country,” said Ms. Zaipuna insisting that winning this award for the 8th time in a row is a manifestation of the bank’s commitment to its clients and Tanzania.

She added: “We are leveraging on the best of technology in digital banking, innovative products, our extensive branch network and alternative channels to add real value to our customers’ lives."

The Euromoney Excellence Award confirms the bank’s investment in digital transformation and technology and its ability to deliver innovative solutions to the market.

In the 2019 financial performance, NMB Bank reported a TZS 142 billion profit after tax, a 46% increase from TZS 98 billion recorded in the previous year maintaining it as the most profitable bank for over a decade.

Describing the selection criteria and reliability of the award, Euromoney’s editor Clive Horwood explained: “We continue to seek the best of the best in all countries offering banking services. As every year, size is important but certainly not paramount. Profitability is of course vital, but so is an ability to demonstrate growth, relative outperformance compared with peers and the ability to adapt to changing market conditions and/or client needs.”

NBC kuendelea kuwainua wajasiriamali

Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Benki ya NBC, Theobald Sabi (kushoto), akionyesha tuzo ya udhamini mkuu wa maonesho ya 44 ya Kimataifa ya Biashara ya Dar es Salaam, mara baada ya kukabidhiwa na Waziri wa Viwanda na Biashara wa Zanzibar, Balozi Amina Salum Ali, katika hafla ya ufungaji rasmi wa maonesho hayo katika Viwanja vya Sabasaba, Dar es Salaam hivi karibuni. Wa pili kulia ni Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Viwanda, Biashara na Masoko wa Tanzania, Prof. Riziki Shemdoe.
Waziri wa Viwanda na Biashara wa Zanzibar, Balozi Amina Salum Ali akikabidhi tuzo kwa Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Benki ya NBC, Theobald Sabi (kushoto), kwa kutambua mchango wa NBC katikakudhamini Maonesho ya 44 ya Kimataifa ya Biashara ya Sabasaba yalimalizika jijini Dar es Salaam hivi karibuni. Wa pili kulia ni Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Viwanda, Biashara na Masoko wa Tanzania Bara, Prof. Riziki Shemdoe.
Mfanyabiashara bilionea wa Tanzania wa madini ya Tanzanite, Saniniu Laizer (kulia), akipata maelezo ya huduma za kibenki zinazotolewa na NBC alipotembelea katika banda la benki hiyo wakati wa Maonesho  ya 44 ya Kimataifa ya Biashara ya Dar es Salaam katika Viwanja vya Sabasaba jijini Dar es Salaam hivi karibuni.
Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa NBC, Theobald Sabi (katikati) akipozi kwa picha ya kumbukumbu na baadhi ya maofisa wa benki hiyo katika banda lao wakati wa Maonesho ya 44 ya Kimataifa ya Biashara ya Dar es Salaam katika Viwanja vya Sabasaba jijini Dar es Salaam hivi karibuni

BENKI ya Taifa ya Biashara (NBC), imewataka wajasiriamali kutumia huduma bora za kibenki za NBC ili kunufaika na bidhaa mahususi zinazowalenga wafanyabiashara wadogo na wa kati ikiwemo mikopo isiyohitaji dhamana.

Hayo yalisemwa jijini Dar es Salaam hivi karibuni na Mkurugenzi wa Biashara wa NBC, Elvis Ndunguru alipokuwa akizungumzia udhamini wao katika Maonesho ya Kimataifa ya Biashara ya Dar e salaam (DITF), ambapo alisema benki hiyo iliweka nguvu nyingi katika upande wa wafanyabiashara wadogo na wa kati katika kuonesha huduma zao.   

“Benki ya NBC inajivunia mchango wake mkubwa inaoutoa katika kusapoti wafanyabiashara wadogo na wa kati jambo lililoipaisha benki yetu mwaka jana kuwa moja kati ya benki tano  bora barani Afrika katika biashara ya sme’s ikiwa ni moja ya mafanikio makubwa kwa NBC kwa mwaka 2019”, alisema.

Mkurugenzi huyo aliongeza kuwa NBC ilishinda tuzo hiyo kutokana na sababu mbalimbali moja ikiwa ni huduma zao wanazozitoa na mikopo ya aina mbaimbali ikiwemo mikopo ambayo haihitaji dhamana kabisa na inayotoka kwa muda mfupi kwa ajili ya wajasiliamali wadogowadogo.

“NBC katika kuonyesha kuwa tunawathamini wafanyabiashara hawa na kutambua umuhimu wa mchango wao katika kuchangia uchumi wa Taifa na pia kuboresha biashara zao ndio maana kwa maonesho ya mwaka huu tumedhamini banda maalumu la wajasiriamali hao tuliowatoa katika ngazi ya chini na sasa wakiwa katika ngazi ya juu ili waoneshe biashara zao”, alisema Bwana Ndunguru.   

Aidha mkurugenzi huyo alisema NBC inatoa pia huduma Huduma ya kuwaongezea uwezo wajasiriamali katika shughuli zao mfano ikiwa ni pamoja na kujifunza utunzaji wa kumbukumbu, namna bora ya ulipaji wa kodi za Mamlaka ya Mapato (TRA) na pia kupanua wigo wa biashara zao kwa safari za kimafunzo nje ya nchi ikiwemo China na nchi nyingine.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020


Katibu wa CCM Wilaya ya Ubungo Chifu Sylvester Yaredi, leo jumatano julai 15 akikabidhi fomu ya ya kuomba ridhaa ya Kuwania nafasi ya Ubunge Jimbo la Ubungo kupitia tiketi ya Chama cha Mapinduzi kwa Elizabeth Jackson.

BINTI MDOGO NA MJASILIAMALI 'Elizabeth Jackson' leo 15 Julai, 2020 amechukua fomu ya kutia nia ya kugombea Ubunge Jimbo la Ubungo kupitia Chama Cha Mapinduzi CCM.

Elizabeth amekabidhiwa fomu hiyo na Katibu wa CCM Wilaya ya Ubungo, Chifu Sylvester na kusema amechukua uwamuzi wakuchukua fomu ya Ubunge katika jimbo la Ubungo ili kuunga mkono juhudi za Rais wetu John Pombe Magufuli nakuleta maendeleo katika kuijenga Tanzania.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Bi Jessica Motto apania kuitumikia kata ya Buyuni achukua fomu

Katibu Kata wa Chama cha Mapinduzi CCM kata ya Buyuni Chanika, Juma Mnambiya akikabidhi fomu ya kuomba kuteuliwa kugombea nafasi ya Udiwani kata ya buyuni kwa bi Jessica Motto, wakati wa siku maalum zilizotangazwa na mamlaka husika kuchukua fomu  kwaajili yakugombea nafasi mbalimbali makabidhiani hayo yamefanyika leo katika ofisi ndogo za chama hicho zilizopo chanika Dar es Salaam anaeshuhudia (kulia), ni mume wa Jessica, Bw Meckson Motto.
Kada kindakindaki wa CCM Jessica Motto  leo Jumanne Julai 14, akichukua fomu ya kuomba ridhaa ya chama hicho kumteuwa  kugombea nafasi  ya Udiwani katika kata ya Buyuni Chanika Dar es Salaam.
Jessica Motto akitia saini kwenye daftari la wageni
Kada kindakindaki wa CCM Jessica Motto  akionesha fomu yake mara baada yakukabidhiwa
Katibu Kata wa Chama cha Mapinduzi CCM kata ya Buyuni Chanika, Juma Mnambiya akitoa maelekezo ya jinsi yakujaza fomu hiyo.


Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Waziri Mkuu, Kassim Majaliwa (kulia), akiangalia baadhi ya vifaa vinavyotengenezwa na Kampuni ya Uzalishaji wa fenicha na Uuzaji wa mashine ya Azienda Group Limited, katika banda la wajasiriamali wadogo na wa kati lililodhaminiwa na benki ya NBC wakati wa ufunguzi wa  maonesho ya 44 ya Kimataifa ya Biashara ya Dar es Salaam katika Viwanja vya Sabasaba hivi karibuni. NBC mdhanini mkuu wa maonesho hayo. Wa pili kulia ni Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa NBC, Theobald Sabi na Mkurugenzi wa Huduma za Biashara za Kibenki, ElvisNdunguru na kushoto ni Mshauri wa Mambo ya Kibiashara wa Azienda Group Limited, Hekala Sigalla.
Waziri Mkuu, Kassim Majaliwa (kushoto), akitembelea banda la wajasiriamali lililodhaminiwa na Benki ya NBC wakati wa ufunguzi wa  maonesho ya 44 ya Kimataifa ya Biashara ya Dar es Salaam katika Viwanja vya Sabasaba hivi karibuni. Kushoto kwake ni Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa NBC, Theobald Sabi. NBC ni mdhamini mkuu wa maonesho hayo.
Ofisa Mahusiano wa Benki ya NBC, Lena Mwakisale (wa pili kulia) akizungumza na baadhi ya watu waliofika katika banda la Kliniki ya biashara lililodhaminiwa na benki hiyo wakati wa maonesho ya 44 ya Kimataifa ya Biashara ya Dar es Salaam katika Viwanja vya Sabasaba jana. Kulia kwake ni baadhi ya wafanyakazi wenzake. NBC ni mdhamini mkuu wa maonesho hayo.
Ofisa Mauzo wa Benki ya NBC, Upendo Njogolo (kushoto), akitoa maelezo kuhusu huduma na bidhaa mbalimbali zinazotolewa na NBC na pia katika banda la benki hiyo wakati wa maonesho ya 44 ya Kimataifa ya Biashara ya Dar es Salaam katika Viwanja vya Sabasaba, jijini humo jana. NBC ni mdhamini mkuu wa maonesho hayo.
Ofisa Mkuu wa Usimamizi wa Kodi wa Mamlaka ya Mapato Tanzania (TRA), Justine Katiti (kulia) akizumzumza na Mfanyabiashara Saidi Lugendo, kuhusu masuala ya kodi katika banda la Kliniki ya biashara linalodhaminiwa na benki ya NBC wakati wa maonesho ya 44 ya Kimataifa ya Biashara ya Dar es Salaam katika Viwanja vya Sabasaba jijini Dar es Salaam jana. NBC ni mdhamini mkuu wa maonyesho hayo.
Mshauri wa Mambo ya Kibiashara wa Kampuni ya Uzalishaji wa fenicha na Uuzaji wa mashine ya Azienda Group Limited, Hekala Sigalla (kushoto), akitoa maelezo kwa Waziri Mkuu, Kassim Majaliwa (kulia), kuhusu vifaa vinavyotengenezwa na kampuni yake katika banda la wajasiriamali wadogo na wa kati lililodhaminiwa na benki ya NBC wakati wa ufunguzi wa maonesho ya 44 ya Kimataifa ya Biashara ya Dar es Salaam katika Viwanja vya Sabasaba hivi karibuni. NBC mdhamini mkuu wa maonesho hayo. Wa pili kulia ni Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa NBC, Theobald Sabi na Mkurugenzi wa Huduma za Biashara za Kibenki, Elvis Ndunguru.
Baadhi ya watu wanaofika katika maonesho ya Sabasaba wakipata taarifa mbalimbali kuhusu huduma za kibenki za NBC pamoja na masuala mengine ya kibiashara kutoka kwa washirikika wa NBC kama vile TRA, BRELA, TBS na wengineo katika katika banda la Kliniki ya Biashara ya NBC lililodhaminiwa na benki hiyo.

Benki ya Taifa ya Bishara kwa mara nyingine tena imekuwa mdhamini wa maonesho ya 44 ya Biashara ya Kimataifa maarufu kama Sabasaba yanayofanyika Kurasini jijini Dar es Salaam katika viwanja vya maonesho vya Mwalimu Nyerere kuanzia Julai 1 hadi 13 mwaka huu.

Maonesho hayo ambayo yanakutanisha wajasiliamari, Wafanyabiashara, Wazalishaji na Watoa huduma mbalimbali yanafanyika katika kipindi ambacho wananchi wanatakiwa kuchukua tahadhari za kujikinga na maambukizi ya ugonjwa wa homa ya mapafu maarufu kama Corona.

Theobald Sabi, Mkurugenzi Mtendaji NBC katika uzinduzi wa maoneesho hayo leo, amewaambia Waandishi wa Habari kuwa lengo kuu la udha mini wa benki hiyo kwa taasisi hizo za fedha ni kuwawezesha wajasiliamari wadogo na wa kati ambao ndiyo walengwa wakuu wa maonesho hayo kujifunza na kutumia fursa zilizopo katika soko la ndani la nje katika kuuza bidhaa na huduma wanazozizalisha na kuzitoa.

Benki ya NBC pia inalenga katika kuwasogezea wateja wake huduma zake karibu zaidi kupitia maonesho hayo.

“Katika benki yetu ya NBC tunayo huduma maalumu ambayo inalenga katika kuwawezesha wajasiliamari, wafanyabiashara wadogo na wa kati kuona na kuchangamikia fursa za masoko ya ndani nay a nje ya bidhaa na huduma wanazozitoa na kuzalisha;

Pia tumekuwa tukitoa mafunzo ya kibishara kwa makundi haya ya wafanyabiashara, kuwafundisha mbinu za uzalishaji bora na ufungashaji wa bidhaa zao ili ziweze kuvutia na kushindana kimataifa” alisema Sabi.

Elvis Ndunguru, Mkurugenzi wa Huduma za Biashara za Kibenki kutoka NBC Alisema kuwa benki ya NBC imewaalika wajasiriamali wadogo na wa kati ambao ni wanufaika wa mafunzo na uwezeshwaji wa NBC.

Aliwataja wajasiliamari hao kuwa ni Miku Investment Company Limited wazalishaji na wauzaji wa vipodozi, Borah Lemmy Rothblets wauzaji wa asali na mafuta ya alizeti, Takecharge International Limited, na Azienda Group Limited wazalishaji wa samani na mashine. Wengine ni kampuni za Chelsea Tyre Tube wauzaji wa vipuri vya magari na kampuni ya Dagen Traders wauzaji wa vitenge.

“Baadhi ya wajasiliamari hao wamealikwa na benki katika maonesho ya biahsra ya mwaka huu watatumia fursa hiyo kudhihirisha ni kwa namna gani NBC imekuwa taasisi muhimu katika kuwawezesha na hivyo kuchangia ukuaji wao. Tumekuwa pia tukiwawezesha wajasiliamari katika sekta ya madini, ufugaji kuku, ng’ombe, mbuzi, sekta ya uzalishaji amzao ya kilimo na uvuvi” aliongeza Ndunguru.

Akifungua maonesho hayo Ijumaa, Waziri Mkuu Kassim Majaliwa amezisifu beni za biashara nchini kwa mchango wake wa kuiwezesha Tanzania kufikia uchumi wa kati kabla ya mwaka 2025. Alisema sekta ya fedha ni muhimu katika ukuaji wa uchumi wa mwananchi mmoja mmoja na hatimaye taifa kwa ujumla.

“Serikali itaendelea kuweka mazingira wezeshi kwa sekta binafsi zikiwemo benki za biashara ili ziendelee kufanya kazi zake vizuri na kwa mafanikio. Serikali inazihimiza benki kuendelea kuto amikopo ya masharti na riba nafuu kwa wafanyabiashara hususani wajasiriamali ili waweze kukuza biashara zao na hivyo kuongeza wigo wa vipato vyao na ajira” alisema Majaliwa.

Kampuni ya Chelsea Tyre Tube inayojishughulisha na uingizaji na uuzaji wa vipuri vya magari na matairi imekuwa mnufaika wa mikopo ya NBC tangu mwaka 2004 na inajivunia ukaribu wake na NBC katika mafanikio ya bishara yake.

Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa kampuni hiyo Martin Massawe, alisema kuwa kampuni yake imekuwa mnufaika wa mikopo ya masharti na riba nafuu kwa miaka zaid ya kumi hivi sasa. Alisema kuwa kampuni imekuwa na mtandao mzuri wa kibiashara kutokana na ushirika wake na NBC. Pia mafunzo mbalimbali yametolewa kwa wafanyakazi wa kampuni yake juu ya kujenga mahusiano ya kibiashara na utafutaji soko.

NBC ni benki yenye uzoefu zaidi nchini ambayo imekuwa ikitoa huduma za kifedha kwa miongo mitano sasa ikihudumia wateja binafsi, biashara ndogo, kubwa, makampuni na uwekezaji. Kwasasa benki ina mtandao wa mawakala zaidi ya 3,000 wakitoa huduma katika matawi yake 49 yaliyosambaa kote nchini.


Mwenyekiti wa Serikali ya mtaa wa Bonyokwa Malyatabu akizungumza wakati wa hafla ya uzin duzi wa WOMEN  TAP yenyelengo la kuinua wanawake kiuchumi na uongozi bora.
Muhasisi wa WOMEN TAP ambae pia ni Rais wa Vicoba Tanzania Bi.Devotha Likokola akizungumza na wanawake wa bonyokwa wakati wa hafla ya uzin duzi wa WOMEN  TAP yenyelengo la kuinua wanawake kiuchumi na uongozi bora.
Moja na mshiriki akiuliza swali wakati wa hafla hiyo
Mwenyekiti wa Serikali ya mtaa wa Bonyokwa Malyatabu akiwa katika picha ya pamoja na  washiriki 

Muhasisi wa WOMEN TAP ambae pia ni Rais wa Vicoba Tanzania Bi.Devotha Likokola Amewataka Wanawake wa kata ya Bonyokwa na Mtaa wa Bonyokwa Unaoongozwa na Mwenyekiti wa Serikali ya mtaa Malyatabu  Kutumia Vizuri Fursa Wanazozipata Katika Kujikwamua na Umasikini Katika Kujiunga Kwenye Vikundi Mbali mbali Vya Kijamii na Kiuchumi.

Akizungumza na Mamia ya Wanawake  wa Bonyokwa wakati wa uzinduzi wa WOMEN TAP yenye lengo la ukombozi wa wanawake na kimaendeleo kutaka kila mwanamke aishi maisha bora na ya furaha kuanzia kwenye mafunzo ya kujitambua na uongozi bora.

WOMEN TAP inawakutanisha wanawake wajasiriamali, wafanyabishara,wanaharakati wakurugenzi na viongozi wa serikali  na itakuwa inafanyika kila tarehe 7 ya mwezi ili kuweka maendeleo yakuwakutanisha wanawake kila mahali kuanzia ngazi ya mtaa, kata wilaya mkoa hadi taifa ili kuhakikisha kila mwanamke anapata mafunzo yenye lengo la kila mwanamke kuwa kiongozi bora.

Pamoja na Mambo Mengine Amewaagiza Wanachama Wote Pamoja na Viongozi Wake Kufuata Mfumo Rasmi wa uanzishaji na  Uendeshaji wa vikundi/ Vicoba IIi Kuhakikisha Jamii Inanufaika na vicoba Endelevu.

Katika Hatua Nyingine Amelaani Tabia Za Baadhi ya Watu Wanaojitokeza Mitaani Kuwadanganya Wananchi Kuanzisha Vikundi Visivyoendelevu Vinavyoweza Kusababisha Mifarakano Mikubwa Pindi Fedha Zitakapo Kuwa Zikipotea Bila Utaratibu.

Kwa Upande wake Mwenyekiti wa Serikali ya Mtaa wa Bonyokwa Maliyatabu  Amewataka Akina Baba wa Bonyokwa Kuwaruhusu Wake Zao Kujiunga na WOMEN TAP  Ili Waweze Kuacha Kumtegemea Baba Kwa Kila Kitu.

Ameyasemahayo wakati alipoalikwa kuwa mgeni rasmi wakati wa uzinduzi wa WOMEN TAP ameeleza kuwa hivi karibuni Rais wetu mpendwa Dk John Magufuli ametoa taarifa kuwa nchi yetu imetangazwa  kuingia kwenye uchumi wa kati hivyo ni hatua nzuri na tunapaswa kumuunga mkono rais kwa maenndeleo ya taifa letu.

Aidha Amesema Pia anamshukuru sana Muanzirishi wa   Women tap Bi.Devotha Likokola kwa maono yake ya kuwainua wanawake ya kijamii na kiuchumi amemuahidi kumpa ushirikiano wa kila hatua na asisite kupeleka fursa nyengine katika mtaa na kata ya Bonyokwa  alisema Maliyatabu.


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